Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Time spent: 40 days
bites: only in the north, my ankles got ravaged one morning.
On budget/time: Just about made my revised higher budget, if you don't count the didgeridoo purchase
Lost/stolen: Chucked the shoes I got in Indonesia as they were too small and hideous, bag briefly lost but found, accumulated far too much stuff, including 2 pairs shoes, warm clothes and two small penguins.
Sound of Australia: Hmm, much like the UK of course. Don't hold back must was the sound of the backpacker bars and clubs, and Horse with no Name was well and truly stuck in my head at one point. Dr Karl's band also must get a mention.
Taste of Australia: Fish and Chips by the coast, witchety grub, and yet more Tim Tams. Sadly didn't manage a Chicko roll.
Highlights of Australia: Really enjoyed the trip in the North, especially swimming spots in Lichfield and Kakadu, and around Uluru. Melbourne if a lovely city, and Bondi beach at sunset was special. But can any of this compare to visiting the town of Penguin, and seeing actually real little penguins question mark.
Drink of Australia: Tooheys extra dry was pretty good, Boags and Cascade not bad either. Coopers green also. Beer beer beer.

I had a great time on the trip in the north, in fact good times, great times. Taz was nice, and good to drive for a change, but meant you were a little isolated. Melbourne was nice and so was Sydney, was good to meet up with people in these cities. Still a bit tired of traveling alone, partly because when you do meet nice people you often go your separate ways very soon after, never to meet again, that's why its nice to meet up with people again. Australia was of course as developed at Britain, and as expensive, if not more. That's why going to South America has felt like starting the trip all over again. Theres so much of Australia I still haven't seen, and I hope to be back some day, and to see a bit of NZ.

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